Xavier Bonal Sarró
Orcid: 0000-0003-0625-0951
Xavier Bonal is Full Professor of Sociology at the Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is the director of the research group Globalisation, Education and Social Policies
(GEPS) and Coordinator of the GLOBED Project, an Erasmus Mundus Master on Education Policies for Global Development.
He has been Special Professor of Education and International Development at the
University of Amsterdam (UvA), member of the EU Network of Experts in Social
Sciences and Education (NESSE) and member of the Expert Group on Quality
Investment in Education and Training of the European Commission, He is
Editorial Board member of several international journals of education policies
and educational development. He has widely published on sociology of education,
education policy and globalisation, education and development. He has worked as
a consultant for international organisations such as the OECD, UNESCO, UNICEF,
the European Commission, and the Council of Europe.
Twitter: @xavierbonal

Xavier Rambla Marigot
Orcid: 0000-0003-1634-4003
Xavier Rambla is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Currently, he is working on learning outcomes policies in the EU ( and the adoption of blended learning in higher education ( For the past ten years, he has participated in research on lifelong learning policies in the European Union, the Civil Society Education Fund, and Education for All in Latin America. Rambla is co-convenor of the education policy network of the European Educational Research Association. He has been a short-term guest lecturer in the areas of social science and education at different universities in Europe and Latin America.
Twitter: @XRamblaSociolog

Aina Tarabini-Castellani Clemente
Orcid: 0000-0002-6096-2450
Aina Tarabini is associate professor in the Department of Sociology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, deputy director of and researcher at the research centre GEPS – Globalisation, Education and Social Policy ( and member of the Interdisciplinary Group on Education Policies (IGEP-GIPE). Her research is concerned with the (re)production of social inequalities in the daily life of education systems, schools and students. She is particularly interested in the sociological analysis of the processes of teaching and learning, the modes of pedagogic and curricular provision through a social justice approach and the students’ identities, experiences and trajectories through the education system, including the processes of school failure, early school leaving and dropping out. Overall, her research aims to connect the subjective, institutional and systemic dimensions of inequality with a qualitative-driven approach.
Twitter: @ainatarabini

Sara Gil
Orcid: 0000-0001-5407-1902
Sara Gil is a PhD researcher at the Sociology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with a research project on young people’s imagined futures in academic upper secondary tracks. She holds a degree in Sociology (2018) and a Master in Social Policy, Labour and Welfare (2019), both from the same university. Her areas of interest are learner identities, gender roles formation in education, class reproduction through educational systems, social justice theories and qualitative methods. She has participated in the project “EduPost16. The construction of post-16 educational opportunities. An analysis of post-compulsory educational transitions in urban settings” with internships as an undergraduate and master student. She also collaborated as a local expert in the project “EuroStudents. Constructing the higher education student: a comparative study of six European countries”.
Twitter: @SaraGilMo

Mariona Farré
Orcid: 0000-0003-4675-5591
Mariona Farré is a PhD researcher at the Sociology Deparment of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, her project analyses educational choices and upper-secondary transitions in rural areas. She holds a degree in Sociology (2018) and a Master in Social Policy, Labour and Welfare (2020), both from the same university. Her main areas of interest are sociology of education, youth studies, spatial sociology and qualitative methods. In particular, Mariona’s main research interests are the impact of social and spatial inequalities in educational choices and transitions to upper-secondary, specifically at the vocational track, the processes of identity formation and the configuration of youth aspirations. Moreover, she has participated in the project “EduPost16. The construction of post-16 educational opportunities. An analysis of post-compulsory educational transitions in urban settings” with internships as an undergraduate and master student.

Paula Arboix
Orcid: 0000-0002-0662-4012
Paula Arboix is a PhD researcher at the Sociology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), whose project focuses on the construction of young students’ scholar taste and learner identity in compulsory secondary education. She holds a degree in Sociology (2020) from the UAB and a Master in Social Investigation (2022) from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Her main areas of interest in sociology of education are the configuration of educational trajectories, family educational expectations, youth scholar identities and the mechanisms of social inequalities and class reproduction. She has collaborated in the project EduPost16. The construction of post-16 educational opportunities. An analysis of post-compulsory educational transitions in urban settings, as well as in some research of school dropout and student integration and participation at university.